27 Juli, 2012

Generation 4: So, who will be heir now?

My suitcase is almost packed, the alarm is set for 4 a.m. (yuck!), I'm ready to go. But before I do, you should know who the heir for Generation 5 will be. It was a very hard decision for me, really. Both Ivy and Julia have qualities that appeal to me, but there are also things about them I do not like.
Short and sweet: 

The heir for Generation 5 will be Julia. Of course, there are a few reasons that led to this particular conclusion and I think you should know them:

  • I know Ivy's lifetime wish and it doesn't really appeal to me
  • Julia being insane stands for an interesting character
  • I just love her as a teen.... (although I really adore Ivy, too!)
As you can see, the reasons aren't overwhelmingly strong, but they were enough for me to make my decision.

If you can't remember who Julia were, you can read her short bio again right here:

What am I looking at? Who am I looking at? Are you real? And if you're real, what am I? Maybe I am just a little figure in somebody's imagination! That would mean that the existence of our kind would be unsure. We aren't real! We are not even here! But if we aren't, how come I can still talk to you? This is so weird. Let me just tell you some things about me, before I think about that question too much. Anyway, thanks for not interrupting me! My parents always do that; they call me insane. Just because my thoughts aren't exactly main-stream? I bet, no one in this family has ever thought about the realness of our world, but it's something so important! How can you possibly ignore that? THAT is insane!!
When I'm being stopped from thinking out loud, I express my thoughts in art. Oh yes, I am a very talented artist, both in paintings and in music. Maybe I will later join my older brother Henner when he starts a band!That would be great, wouldn't it? But then again, when he and I aren't real, that would mean that our band wouldn't be real. The music we bring out to the people wouldn't be real! What a terrible thought! But before I bore you some more with my apparently "insane" thoughts (again! Think about it! Who is insane here?), I will finish talking altogether. Have a nice day! And always remember Julia's, that's my name, words!

(By the way: by choosing Julia I still have the opportunity to put her and Henner in a band later and have him around once in a while :) I love musical sims!)

So, this is it for now. Have a nice week and see you afterwards! I'm off to the beach in a few hours.

22 Juli, 2012

Generation 4: And the winner is.................?

The winner is........huh.
That didn't exactly work out the way I wanted it to. Although I am really grateful for each and every single vote, the situation now is not exactly easy. We have two winners in this vote. Ivy and Julia each won with 2 votes, while Henner and Isabella only had one vote each.
Now that the vote is over, I can tell you my thoughts: When I started this, I really wanted Henner to win. BUT then I played a little ahead and all of my children aged up to teens. Now I had three favourites, of which two made it into your "recall" of you want to call it like that. Actually, that made it a little easier, since my choices are narrowed down a bit. Now it's either Ivy or Julia.
I guess I will have to think about that for a few days. On Saturday I'm going away for 1 1/2 week, so before that I will have told you my decision. Thanks for voting!! :)

17 Juli, 2012

Generation 4: Heir Vote!

What's up?! I'm Henner, but I guess you knew that already. What you also know is that my father wants to make a decision on who should carry on the family traditions and stuff. I'm not sure I got it completely, but since you probably know all about this, maybe you should teach us! After all, it is one of us who will have that burden! Scarred for life! Okay, well, maybe I am a little dramatic sometimes. But it's only because my mind is the one of a true genius and therefore I know that something really big is coming up.And it's going to have a big effect on all of our lives.You can bet that I will work very hard if my dad chooses me. I have never been one to procrastinate, but worked as hard and as much as I possibly could. If you called me a workaholic, I wouldn't be mad about that, I guess. It's true.
What I want to do with my life, you ask? I'm not really sure about that. There is nothing in particular I would call my lifetime wish. Maybe I want to be a musician and be in a really awesome band. We would tour the entire country, have groupies and stuff! That would be really great. And since my family called me a virtuoso numerous times, music might be my destiny.

Oh Henner, stop babbling and let me introduce myself instead. No one knows how long my hair is going to stay this way and I want to look good on my picture! After all, those people out there can decide over our entire lives! Do you want to be ignored only because the sim before you can't stop talking? No? Well, neither do I! 
Sorry, I normally don't act like this. My parents always call me a very sweet and good kid. Usually I try to be friendly to eveyone around me, unless somebody is really mean to me. Like my sister, who sometimes drives me crazy. Huh. What a nice day outside! Have you noticed that the sun is shining? Maybe I should pack my bathing suit and drive to the pool. If I ask Dad, he might even drive me there. That could be a fun day! Oh wait, I was supposed to do something before. That's right, the interview! God, I'm sorry. Sometimes I'm just a little absent-minded, I guess. It's just that pretty things easily distract me. Like the sun, the flowers, birds outside... oh, hey, I want a bird. Maybe I will get one for my birthday! Uh..never mind. It was very nice to meet you! Although I don't really know what to do with my life, I know that I really want you guys in it :)
Love, Bella xxx

Hey guys. My dad made me come here to answer some stupid questions, and he promised that I would get some ice-cream if I did! That's a good thing, so go ahead and ask anything you wanna know. Well, not anything. Some stuff really is none of your business.
Oh, you think that was evil? Sorry, you'll have to deal with that. I'm not going to play nice, just so that you will vote for me. Not going to happen! I'm not like my sister Bella, not at all. She is the well-behaved little angel and I, Ivy, am pure evil. Muhahahaha. What did you just say? You didn't expect that from my looks? Well, looks aren't everything, I guess!
So let me get this straight. Although you might think that, I don't exercise. I hate sports, I hate running and I hate sweating. There is nothing better than a day on the couch in front of the TV! My dad totally agrees with me on that, by the way. We are both what you would call a couch potato. And when the bags of chips are empty, I don't stop watching TV to take them out to the trash. Are you kidding? My sister would do that, but I just throw it behind me. Somebody will take it out at some point, and I don't mind if there is a big mess around me. Being chaotic is just so damn comfortable.

What am I looking at? Who am I looking at? Are you real? And if you're real, what am I? Maybe I am just a little figure in somebody's imagination! That would mean that the existence of our kind would be unsure. We aren't real! We are not even here! But if we aren't, how come I can still talk to you? This is so weird. Let me just tell you some things about me, before I think about that question too much. Anyway, thanks for not interrupting me! My parents always do that; they call me insane. Just because my thoughts aren't exactly main-stream? I bet, no one in this family has ever thought about the realness of our world, but it's something so important! How can you possibly ignore that? THAT is insane!!
When I'm being stopped from thinking out loud, I express my thoughts in art. Oh yes, I am a very talented artist, both in paintings and in music. Maybe I will later join my older brother Henner when he starts a band!That would be great, wouldn't it? But then again, when he and I aren't real, that would mean that our band wouldn't be real. The music we bring out to the people wouldn't be real! What a terrible thought! But before I bore you some more with my apparently "insane" thoughts (again! Think about it! Who is insane here?), I will finish talking altogether. Have a nice day! And always remember Julia's, that's my name, words!

Here are your candidates for the heir vote! 
  • We have amazingly pretty Henner, who might want to be a musician later, due to his talents. 
  • Then there is sweet little Bella, who would do anything to please the people around her, as long as she doesn't forget about it. 
  • Next to her is her twin sister Ivy, the exact opposite of what can be called nice. 
  • And lastly there is Julia, who thinks about realness and other crazy stuff a lot.
Please do vote as soon as the vote is up (I will do that in a second!)
By the way: Grace's traits were Loner, Neurotic,Clumsy and Hydrophobic.

16 Juli, 2012

Generation 4: Part 16. Family Portrait

As I said, the more we thought about it, the more we knew that on some level we had lost our oldest daughter. For so long she had been reliable and caring, but now that she was experiencing first love, all of that seemed to have disappeared. That had to be one of the worst things you could possibly feel. Often I found myself crying or at least with tears sprung to my eyes, and Cassie didn’t feel very different.

Apparently, Grace’s siblings weren’t so fond of her new self, either. Even Ivy, who always had seemed to love her the most, started playing tricks on her. Mean ones. This surely wasn’t funny anymore, but whenever I tried to talk to her about it, Ivy just said something like “Well, she deserved it, didn’t she?” and went away. She was probably right, although I can’t believe I was with her on that one.

Surprisingly the structure of our family changed quite a bit. Grace had been there for everyone, and everyone had gone to her first. Now that she was no longer available, the four children grew a lot closer. I know that things have changed ever since we moved into the new house, but this was another change. Maybe it was a way to cope with the new circumstances, but it seemed to be a really good one. They played together in the afternoon and helped each other out with their homework. Although they weren’t in the same class – Henner was two grades above the twins, and Julia was one below them – they formed a little study group that met in the living room four times a week. One of us made them cookies, which was the only way we were allowed to support them in. I was so proud of them! Unfortunately it made my decision harder when it came to the choice of the heir for the next generation! Cassie and I grew older every day, and I had already made my lifetime wish quite some time ago. Somebody new should take over, but who could it possibly be?

I spent a lot of time thinking about this, since it was a very serious matter and something that shouldn’t be decided too quickly. Grace was not an option for me, that was for sure. But what about the other ones?

Before I could make a final decision, something important was about to happen: Henner had finished elementary school a few days ago and was now about to grow up! Unbelievable how quickly time had passed. I very well remembered his first steps and the first word he ever said to me. And now there he was, holding a very good report with a recommendation for one of the best high schools in town. We couldn’t be more proud of our little boy.

To be honest with you, I lied before. When I saw what he had turned into, I held my breath. He was an amazing boy who definitely was about to win the girls’ hearts in no time! Hopefully he wouldn’t break any of them.

While I watched him that same night, sitting at the piano and playing some chords, I once again thought about the choice I was about to make. Was it wise to pass the torch on to another man in the house? Or should I choose one of the girls, hoping they would be successful in life? This was a hard decision and I knew I couldn’t make it alone.

Author's notes: Phew, Generation 4 is basically done! Finally I caught up with all the pictures I made and here we are now! For obvious reasons, Grace is no longer available as heir. She started behaving really mean and unreasonable, and as I found her trait combination boring anyway, she's out. Leaves me with four possible heirs: Henner, Bella, Ivy and Julia. Those four will be up for an heir vote, BUT! I want to you to know that I am very much interested in your opinion, but since I somehow have a favourite and some thoughts on my own, the heir might not necessarily be who you vote for. Nevertheless, please vote! :)
(By the way: I lovelovelove Henner as a teenager)

06 Juli, 2012

Generation 4: Part 15. Ten Reasons

Everybody seemed to deal with Flip’s death in another way. Cassie spent a lot of time on our brand-new piano, which was a little odd, since she had barely played any instrument before. Apparently she had now discovered that emotions could be communicated through melodies and songs really well. I loved spending my free time sitting on the couch, listening to her. Every now and then I recognized a piece of a song I heard before, which she then turned into something new, unfamiliar. Wow, I had never realized how musical my wife was!

What I did realize was that my children were suffering, too. More than one time I heard one of them sobbing in their rooms, but by the time I got there, they had wiped the tears from their faces and pretended that nothing happened. They wanted to be grown-ups about this, which shocked me a little. After all, four out of five children were still kids and therefore allowed to cry, weren’t they? I’m not saying that once you cross that age line, you have to pull yourself together, not at all. All I mean is that I can understand teens trying to hide their emotions, but not kids. Henner was the only one who opened up to me at all. The two of us, the only men in the house, stuck together.

Yet he stayed in touch with his sisters a lot. Those five were a real unit by now and I’m sure nothing could rip them apart.

Grace was the only one left out a bit. Since she was the only teenager, she couldn’t participate in the children’s games that much (I’m not sure she wanted to, anyway). Instead she focused on her friends in high school a little more, especially her cousin Marissa Pinkerton. Those two had been friends for a long time now, which was nice to see. And even if there was a fight, it was resolved after a few days.

I guess to some extent it was because she was family as well, but Marissa felt like a sixth child to us sometimes. Our younger ones got along with her great, even asking her to read something to them when they wanted to go to bed. Sometimes Grace got annoyed about that and asked them to leave them alone, but the kids didn’t understand that. To them, Marissa was like an older sister as well.

Unfortunately, another teenager around couldn’t keep Ivy from doing whatever she wanted, even if it included skipping school. We had hoped that having Grace and Marissa around as role models would keep her from doing that, but it didn’t work out. More than one time the police brought her home in the middle of the day, after she had spent the day at the local pool or near the cinema, waiting for it to open.

When we tried to talk to Grace and Marissa about it, they told us to back off. Ivy was old enough to make her own decisions, they stated. I couldn’t believe them – Ivy was still a kid and apparently not able to take care of herself yet! But it seemed like those two were too busy with themselves to care about our family, something that really shocked me. Grace had always been the reliable one and now she started to push us away.

The day she went to prom, she didn’t even present herself to us, but just rushed past us instead. Was the pressure that we had put on her too much now? Did we ask for too much? All of a sudden it seemed like we didn’t know her anymore. That way it came as an even bigger surprise when we found out who she had been at prom with – Marissa! And not only as friends, but as a date. Something had happened in the last weeks, something that we had missed altogether. They had grown closer and at some point their friendship had turned into a romance. Before we knew it, people were talking all over town about the new teen couple they found making out everywhere.

Both Cassie and I were really sad that Grace didn’t tell us anything about it. Didn’t she want us in our lives anymore? That was something we thought about a lot. Our kids noticed that we weren’t doing as well as usual and tried to cheer us up. That was really sweet, but didn’t make up for the fact that we seemed to have lost our oldest daughter.

Author's Notes: I'm back! Sorry I didn't post anything in the last few weeks and even stopped commenting your blogs, but the last weeks were somewhat strange. There was a lot of stuff I had to deal with, leaving me with less energy for the computer and writing than I had thought. I'm still not quite fine again, but at least I came back. And I promise that I will comment on your last chapters the next days!
Well, what can I say. Ivy once again showed that she was a difficult character to deal with, just like Grace, who started her mood swings out of nowhere. And she actually went to prom with her cousin Marissa - who she now is going steady with. I wanted to ask my game what the heck it thought it was doing, but I figured it wouldn't answer me anyway. I'm not sure if you even can date family at all in Sims? If not, that will mean that Grace won't have another partner until I kick her out, because then they won't be able to interact romantically, but she still wouldn't want to break up. Sigh.
Chapter title: An amazing song I heard live last night, by a really great German/british band called Ben Galliers. My choir's last pianist is in it (and he is sooo gorgeous!), which is how I know the band. Last night there was a festival on campus where I saw them for the first time. (Check them out on Youtube - you should find them if you enter "Ben Galliers Ten Reasons". And look out for the pianist ;) ) 
This song is really great and I chose it for this chapter because there are some reasons to love kids like Grace or Ivy, but also some to "hate" them every now and then.