25 März, 2012

Generation 4: Part 6. She's always a woman

After all I had been through in the last years, it really seemed like I had found my way at last. I honestly can’t tell what had been in the way between me and Cassie, but whatever it was, it was gone now and we could enjoy the time we had together. We didn’t care if people were staring at us in the middle of the street, because we were kissing. Cassie was the most wonderful woman in the world and I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, here in Appaloosa Plains.

Somebody else also had finally settled down. Our dogs Cora and Bodo had spent a huge amount of time together, and in the last few weeks Cora had gotten much bigger than she usually was. This seemed strange to me, but I didn’t expect what happened on one sunny afternoon – she gave birth to puppies. Three cute puppies that turned my house into a giant playground!

Meet Flip, Benny and Delilah (from left to right)!

Watching my three little ones was like watching my own kids grow. They played around in the house, occasionally tripped over themselves and landed on the floor, but immediately got up and continued running. It was hard not to step on them, because they were so small, even smaller than their bowls!

And they were loved so much. Their parents were all over them, cuddling them, playing with them, making sure they were okay. It was exactly like I wanted to take care of my children later. Only that I wouldn’t lick them as a sign of affection, that I was sure of.

Although I was pretty busy with my job and with watching my five dogs, I always made time for my girlfriend. Cassie had still not been promoted, so that we rarely saw each other in the office.

Which made the time we spent together seem much more valuable. Every minute with her was like I was in heaven. 

And although there sometimes were moments where I wouldn’t understand why she was acting the way she did, we were getting along great. It had taken me a long time, but I really understood that people were different. That they didn’t feel the same way, didn’t think the same way. 

One night, when we were at a party, we somehow ended up in the host’s bedroom. Outside we heard a few kids playing and screaming, then the voices of bugged parents who told their kids to keep it down. We looked at each other and smiled. And although we didn’t say much, we saw in each other’s eyes that we both wanted this as well. Being a family. Still it frightened me to hear the word “marriage” spoken out loud. Maybe it was a little too soon for us, but it was going to happen.

Another thing happened first – my birthday! The days had rushed by and it was time for me to turn into a real adult. When I was blowing out the candles, a little voice in my head told me that I should consider taking the next step now. I wasn’t getting any younger, neither was Cassie. 

Even a new look couldn’t bring back my youth, which now seemed to be officially over. I had spent some time without caring about my responsibilities and enjoying life, but now it was time to get serious again. 

Author's Notes: Two posts within less than 24 hours! I just really felt like getting on with the story, so I spontaneously sat down and wrote another chapter. (And did I mention that I'd do anything to avoid my internship paper?) Finn is already an adult now, which means more than half of his life is over already. Looks like he really should speed up a little.
Chapter title is a beautiful song by Billy Joel. I've first heard it in a german version by a singer/songwriter whose music I really love. She made her own lyrics to this, but kept the overall message. I then curiously looked for the original and fell in love with this song... :)

8 Kommentare:

  1. Whee! I got up in the morning to a new post! I'm so glad to see Finn so happy.

    And wow, he's an adult already! Time to get with those babies. He and Cassie will make amazing ones.

    1. Maybe that will happen again soon, who knows! I've got another free week ahead of me.

      And I don't want to spoil anything about the babies, so I'll just smile and keep playing. ;)

  2. Wow! A new chapter already!

    I'm glad that Finn and Cassie are getting along so well! Being an adult, he doesn't have much time to waste anymore... I know, none of mine have ever gotten around to having kids until after they were into their adult years!

    The puppies are adorable. Seems like that would make for a very busy house even without human babies.

    Also, I love love love that song.

    1. You have no idea how right you are about the house being busy. Three puppies and two older dogs make the house be loud and full ALL the time.But they are just so cute... when they were born, I couldn't stop making sounds like "awwwww!" and "cuuuuuuuuute!" for ages.
      The song really is beautiful, isn't it?! I am so glad I found the original.
      You probably won't understand much, but you can have a look here at the version I heard first: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRKnVTyYdxA

    2. Oh! That was lovely! (My high school german class helped me pick out a few words, but that's about it!)

      Thanks for sharing that!

    3. You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it =)

  3. Wow, an adult already!! I sure hope those baby wishes start rolling in soon! Though they aren't even married, I guess that needs to happen first, eh?? Nice to see things are pleasant in the house!!

    Puppies are soooo adorable!

    1. I also had some sims that were parents before they got married, I think. You will see how it works out with them pretty soon (or maybe something goes wrong? Maybe he finds somebody else? Who knows!)
      Next chapter might be up tomorrow, I am still avoiding my paper,which means enough time for writing. :)
