25 November, 2011

Generation 3: Part 5. Good life.

Graduation day! Emma had been working extremely hard in school the last few months and now it was the time to get what she deserved – her diploma! She got up early, changed into her dress for the ceremony and then quickly made herself some breakfast before leaving for the town hall. The entire day she thought about her parents not being with her and this made her really sad. Although she was sure that they would be watching her from their tiny little cloud in heaven, she just really wished they could be there for her. Make her breakfast; wake her with a kiss, giving her a graduation present. But now it was just her and the pets.

As there was nobody to go to dinner with anyway, Emma decided to celebrate by visiting some places in her new home town, starting with the local pool. It was nice to see how clean it was -  although dogs were allowed there, there was not one piece of trash or something else on the floor. This was something she could get used to.

Emma: Yes, that’s right, I just moved here.
Random Man: So how do you like it? Don’t you love all the green places? See, I even bought a shirt with a tree on it, this is how much I like it here.

Hanging in the pool had been so much fun that Emma had completely lost track of time. Soon it was time to get back to their pets who had been without supervision all day! This couldn’t be good…

She was happy to find her home without any noticeable damage. The only thing she had to take care of was her pets’ growling stomachs! The bowls had been emptied some hours ago and now they were almost starving.

But not all of them had survived… with all the pets around her, there was no way Emma could take care of all of them. One squirrel hadn’t survived the long period of hunger. Rest in peace, Häppchen (which means appetizer and is therefore a strange name for a pet, but I didn’t choose it)… (Note the black&white picture at the bottom of the cage)

To get rid of parts of the sadness, Emma decided to check out the local bar. She had heard that it was the only place to go at night and that they had really good drinks. So she gave it a shot and went over. The pub was small, but nice and she met some people who all seemed very nice. Even though some of them had really weird clothing. Hey, lady on the left, it is nowhere near Christmas!

In the meantime, Dominica decided to approach that unicorn again (that apparently thought this was its home, as it basically appeared every single night). Too bad that the unicorn wasn’t in a good mood and almost spiked Dominica with its horn.

That bar really wasn’t that bad! The drinks were good and strong, while the prices were moderate. This was a place Emma could get used to. Until late in the night she sat there, buying one drink after another, talking to the bartender and watching the people around her.

When she got home, still a little tipsy despite the walk she had been taking, once again her pets were waiting for her, hungry and lonely. Apparently she had six little children at home instead of six grown up animals. How was she supposed to manage that? And how was she supposed to have a life besides that, get a job even? 

Author's notes: So,yeah. Nothing much happened in her first weeks in Appaloosa Plains, which is a shame because I am getting a little worried about her love life (yes, I know. What love life? That's the point.)... In addition I once again had major problems with my game, after two or three (sim) weeks it started crashing again. I started a new game in Appaloosa Plains with them, it worked for two or three (sim) days, then started crashing every two minutes. There was no way to go on playing. Now I took all the content from the store out (after trying with just getting rid of all the downloads, which didn't lead to anything except everybody looking the same) and now it works. But this means that soon there will be a new game with her again... Right after she turns into a "fully grown-up". She will stay in AP, but all the people will appear again. I don't know how to put this into a story, so I thought you may want to know in advance... I really hope the game works now, starting again and again is incredibly annoying. 
Oh, and I think it soon will be time for an "Pets Only" chapter again, I am almost dying from making sounds like "awwwwww" or "cuuuuuuuuuuuute!" all the time. :-)
Chapter Title: Song by One Republic.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Sorry to hear you're having issues with your game... hopefully it works for you now.

    You could always use her free day to get her love life going, if you have to.

  2. The ironic thing is that I always started the game with the thought "Tomorrow I will get you a man, Missy", but then the game crashed and I never got to that day!
    I also wanted to choose her man on her own, without me interfering at all, but through her entire young adulthood she did not have ONE romantic interest.
    (Right now it looks like she finally gives in, I will have to play some more to figure that out..! )

  3. I'm sorry your game is still acting up. I hope the new changes resolve everything.

    Poor Emma, so much responsibility for one girl! I hope she finds some help soon... preferably of the love interest kind!

  4. At the moment the game works, so I just keep on hoping! I really don't like this... :(
