13 September, 2011

Generation 1: Part 6. Being wrong, being right

Week 3 started out pretty exciting. Once Chrissi found out that her darling Cycl0n3 was already married, she decided to accidentally come by his house after work to have a look at his wife. She wasn't prepared for the little boy sitting in the middle of the living room - Cycl0n3 had a son! He was a father! All of a sudden she realised that she was going to destroy a happy family, which was not what she wanted at all. Still she could feel the heat between her and Cycl0n3. What was she supposed to do?

I guess the worst idea was making out with him right in front of Sammie, his son. Until that moment he had really liked Chrissi, as she played with him and fed him when he was screaming, but after he saw her making out with his father, that good relationship was so over. Chrissi could feel that there was something about to turn pretty bad and she left Cycl0n3's home.

There was somebody else begging for her attention - Stiles McGraw! She had almost forgotten about him again, as Cycl0n3 had suddenly turned up and twisted her mind around. But one day when she saw him, she couldn't help but think that he would be the perfect man for her. I don't know whether it was her new look, her new figure or some confidence boost, but she went straight to him, flirting with him. And after a while courageously took a step forward. And kissed him. Her first kiss with Stiles!

Little did she know that Cycl0n3, her crush, and Monika Morris, Stiles' girlfriend were standing right behind them. Oops. Monika broke up with him hours later in the gym, while Chrissi was only a few feet away - sure she was sorry for him, but on the other hand: Yay!

In the meantime, Sunny's and Michael's relationship was going so well. Everyday they met, talked for hours and then went over to making out. Apparently they really loved each other. So it is not that big a surprise that Sunny decided she wanted to ask him something.

She proposed to him!!! And he happily accepted! So this means we will have a man in the house pretty soon.

Same situation - the hug after the proposal. You can totally see how happy Sunny is by the expression of her face. (He looks the same, by the way)

"So, Michael. When will you be moving in?"
*chokes on his salad* "Um...I don't know. We don't want to rush anything."

"I'm not pregnant yet, you know?! Give us some time."
*quietly continues eating her salad*

Party time! Sunny figured it was time for her bachelorette party (without Michael Bachelor being present. Funny,right?...) Everybody had a blast! Sunny had invited about 8 or 9 people, but eventually there were at least 12 or 13 guests. This is how well she is being liked in Sunset Valley.

Early the next morning. All the guests had left, while Sunny and Chrissi had just went to bed. All of a sudden there were voices over by the pond. As I wasn't asleep, I went over to see what is going on. There were Stiles and Madison vanWatson, talking for hours. WTF? Being confused about them coming back at all, I was not ready for the next surprise - Stiles gave Madison flowes. Again and again. What is that all about, huh? Well, maybe he was just practising how to give Chrissi flowers appropriately or something like that. Yes, being very optimistic here.

Apparently, he really practised something he didn't want to screw up with Chrissi. Later that day, when he came over again (!), they instantly started flirting and making out. He even gave her a massage and was working so hard that steam was coming out of his body (no, seriously. I first thought that he was turned into a vampire, but it was night and he was neither pale nor having this mark on his neck. Weird.).

You all know where that led to. Twice. Stiles walking around funnily and Chrissi heading off to bed due to some extreme tiredness coming out of nowhere.

Next morning. Chrissi wasn't even dressed yet when they start making out again. They are not even officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet, just romantic interests. Well,never mind, you guys. You are just too sweet. (By the way - is there a wish to ask somebody to be his/her girl-/boyfriend?) Maybe that leads up to something at some point...you never know.

YES!!!!! She is pregnant! I am proud to announce that we soon will have the first baby in the house! (This legacy is full of surprises - I always thought Sunny would have her first love interest sooner than Chrissi. Then I thought she would be pregnant earlier.

A happy mother-to-be. She wishes a for a girl, by the way.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Oh wow! So much has happened. Yes there is a 'Ask x to be boy/girlfriend' wish, I've had it before, Hadley got it when he was dating Kate. Can't wait to see what's next in the girls lives!

  2. Wow! A baby on the way!

    I'm sorry it didn't work out with Cycl0n3 because I'm so fond of him, but I agree that going after a married man with a baby is probably to much.

  3. @Helen: Just wait until you see the second part of Week 3...
    And it's good to know for the next generation that there is a wish like that - this time I wasn't patient enough. But right after Sunny and Michael started her relationship, she rolled the wish to propose to him. So it was the right decision :D

    @Susan: Yes, at some point Chrissi just gave up, I guess. She didn't roll any wishes to kiss him,even meet oder to talk to him. So I guess she decided for the greater good... (And I might add that right now she is pretty happy!)Maybe I will post another chapter tonight (I actually have to write an assignment for university, but trying to avoid it. So I am playing a lot right now!).

    Thanks for reading & commenting!

  4. So, did Chrissi roll a wish for a baby with Stiles, but not to be his girlfriend? Ha!

    When Zahra had Charles, Cycl0n3 the ghost was getting corrupted due to a problem with his gravestone. Her entire relationship with him was erased. So, she came home with the baby and her husband and then rolled a wish to get married! I had some trouble fixing that one.

    BUT, I bet Chrissi wishes to get married when her baby is born.

  5. Yes, she did...that was quite strange.
    Hm, what happened to him as a ghost sounds pretty bad...but it's great if you managed to fix it!

    Actually..yes, she did :D Right after the baby was born,she rolled that wish. But of course I am not telling you now what the next chapter is going to be about... ;)
