It had been decided. After a few discussions between the grown-ups in the household it was clear that one family had to move out. And as Tammie just had moved from her mother’s house, they didn’t want her to deal with another move so soon. Therefore, Sunny, Michael and little Blake packed up their things and moved into the house that had once belonged to Jamie Jolina, but now had been empty for a while. They knew that Jamie hadn’t taken all of her stuff to her new home, so there was some furniture in the house already. Everything else they would just have to buy.
Didn’t look very friendly though.
Life was much easier once the number of the household members had been reduced from seven to four. Arvid really enjoyed having his own bathroom (although it was pink. But as he loved purple, that was close enough for him) and spent hours in the bathtub playing.
Stiles decided that he should be staying with the family now, took his phone and retired from his job in the music business. Having made enough money in the last time, he had now fulfilled his lifetime wish, which was swimming in cash and gain 50000 $! So now it was time to retire.
This meant more time for Chrissi and Stiles as well. Arvid now went to school, just like Tammie (where both of them were doing quite well) so the house was empty. Empty enough to catch up with old feelings.
When they weren’t ”talking”, Chrissi still worked on her lifetime wish, which was to become an illustrious author. While painting it occurred to her that this was not what she really wanted. Stiles had opened her eyes – it was so much more important that they earned enough money so that Tammie and Arvid could lead their own lives at some point, not constantly worrying about money. 80000 $ should be enough for that.
In the meantime it was time for the prom! Tammie had been excited for days and panicked on the last day, because she still hadn’t found someone she could possibly ask to go with her. Four hours before prom she met the youngest boy in the Landgraab family (to be honest, I really can’t remember his name right now) and got along with him really well. Within a few hours they were friends but just when she was about to ask him, he remembered that he had to be somewhere. Darn.
So she had to go alone. Rushed home, got dressed and her hair done, then left. And had an amazing time! Right in the middle of dancing she realized that some boy had been looking at her the entire time. She really wasn’t courageous enough to go over and ask him to dance, but at least she smiled at him. Hoping that he would understand that non-verbal sign. He did! They kept flirting for the rest of the evening and left the school building being really interested into each other.
While Tammie was about to experience her first romance, Chrissi had some trouble at home – right before she managed to finish her next painting she suddenly felt very weird. Funny, this was exactly how she felt when she was pregn…oh.
She was! She was pregnant again! The household was about to increase to five persons and Arvid and Tammie were about to have a little brother or sister! Chrissi was thrilled. (Not about the throwing up though. That sucked.)
Still she decided to keep it to herself for some time – especially since her relationship with Arvid had just gotten better after they had grown apart a little. If she now told him that she was pregnant, he maybe would think that she didn’t love him enough and had to have another baby because of that. So she didn’t say anything and just enjoyed her time with her youngest kid.
As you might have suspected – she couldn’t keep it to herself for very long. The baby inside of her was growing and growing. Soon she had to exchange her sweet dress for maternity clothes, which meant it was time to tell her husband. Stiles loved the idea of having another baby although he was pretty old already.
There was one thing that wasn’t so nice about pregnancies – the pain in the back and various other parts of the body. So Chrissi decided to check out the spa. Maybe they could help her there, give her a massage or at least some advice. While she was on her way, she spotted a familiar Sim: it was Sunny, standing right in front of the spa! Instantly Chrissi dropped her plans and headed over to her to tell her the big news!
Sunny was so happy for her! Although she would not have liked to have three kids, she was glad that Chrissi was so happy.
The girls had really missed each other. Living together for such a long time and then suddenly not seeing each other at all was pretty hard.
Unfortunately, after a few hours of talking Chrissi’s back began to hurt really bad again. So she said goodbye to Sunny and headed into the spa. But as Sunny apparently wasn’t done talking yet, she just waited outside the spa, reading. Just like a bunch of other people. Note a certain somebody in the back.
And now note a certain somebody talking to Chrissi! It was “the boy whose name I soon will refuse to write” telling her about the book he just read. Chrissi at least pretended to be interested, although she had something else on her mind.
He hadn’t though. Chrissi, what are you doing? You are happily married to a nice guy!
Yes AND you are pregnant with his baby! Cycl0n3 noticed that as well, being very happy for her. Nevertheless he was still interested in her and as the day progressed, his feelings for her came back. Stronger than ever. Pity that she was pissed by now, as he had rejected every romantic interaction she had wanted to start. So now it was her time to reject him. (Although she really, really wanted to kiss him.)
Next day, she met Sunny again when she was shopping for watermelons (she really wanted a girl this time and she read that this would help increase the chance of having one). When she asked how she was, Sunny replied that she felt sick all day and didn’t really know where this was coming from.
A minute after Chrissi had gone into she shop, Sunny couldn’t keep it together anymore and threw up on the street. Luckily, nobody was watching. What was going on here?
Well… I guess she knew what was going on. Yay! I am really happy for her!!
Love is in the air… this is what Tammie thought, sitting at home after school. For days she hadn’t talked to her romantic interest Jeffry and it was time to catch up and figure out what was going on between the two of them. So she spontaneously invited him over. He accepted and arrived only a few minutes after her call.
She had barely enough time to get dressed (as she wanted to look special for him *smiles*), then rushed outside and didn’t waste any time by smalltalk. Once she found out that their signs were compatible, she was definitely in love.
And he was as well. Awwww, isn’t that cute.
Believe it or not, it got even cuter. Being courageous at least once in her life, Tammie kissed Jeffry softly. It was her first kiss and she was so happy to share it with him. Her first boyfriend.
Her first boyfriend, who really adored her. Completely.
Life wasn’t standing still. The next morning, while Tammie was still asleep and dreaming about her Jeffry, Chrissi surprisingly went into labour! After Stiles panicked for a while, he decided that he had done enough now and went to read something. She had to do the rest by herself now.
Little Brianna was born at 11 a.m.
Author's notes:
So I did it. It was a hard decision, but I had to let Sunny go - there was no way I would survive with seven people in one household. And as Chrissi once started out as my self-sim, I had to keep her. Which means kicking Sunny out. Sigh. I love her though and will try to keep an eye on her especially now that she apparently is pregnant again.
Pregnancy! Big topic. Chrissi all of a sudden wanted another child with Stiles and as Arvid is already a kid I accepted that wish. Finally a girl <3 (had some problems with the Story Progression Mod before, as it only gave me boys, no matter how many watermelons the women ate) The only question is "How will I choose who will be heir?" Well, we'll see how Brianna turns out.
Oh, and I changed Chrissi's lifetime wish, as you might have found out from the text - she will be an full adult very, very soon and as that age span is not very long and she doesn't roll any (!) wishes to improve her writing or painting skills at all I changed that... Yes, maybe not a very good idea, I admit.
And even another thing - that thing with Cycl0n3 (I really truly hate writing his name) is getting weirder and weirder. That day they met in front of the spa, he instantly talking, which she answered by flirting and trying to kiss him. Now she has that slut-reputation...awesome. Hopefully Stiles doesn't find out about it... and hopefully Chrissi is acting more mature now...
And even another thing - that thing with Cycl0n3 (I really truly hate writing his name) is getting weirder and weirder. That day they met in front of the spa, he instantly talking, which she answered by flirting and trying to kiss him. Now she has that slut-reputation...awesome. Hopefully Stiles doesn't find out about it... and hopefully Chrissi is acting more mature now...
So, next chapter will be Brianna and Chrissi aging up. Maybe even more, I will see. And after that, I will think about renaming my chapters, as I won't be able to go on with those week descriptions forever. I don't want a "Week 214 Part 1" chapter anytime... and I should give labels to the much stuff to do! But as I had two concerts yesterday and was practicing all the time before that, I didn't get to do anything. Next chapter there will be some hilarious outtakes again, I guess.
I just got caught up on your story!
AntwortenLöschenI'm sad to see Sunny move out, but I can understand not wanting to deal with so many people. Once my households get to 5 or so, I start going nuts.
I do love Chrissi's family, though. I hope Cycl0n3 doesn't mess it up too much.
Love it! I don't mind large households, the only thing that pisses me off is that you can only have one date or group outing going on at one time!
AntwortenLöschenSad to see Sunny go, but now we can concentrate on Chrissi's life. I smell some drama coming with Cycl0n3!
I guess Cycl0n3 really will mess it up a little... so far Chrissi doesn't roll any wishes to meet him(or worse), which is a good thing, but at the moment she just keeps bumping into him. And I am a little afraid that somebody will tell Stiles (or he finds out another way), as she already has that slut-reputation (I think it's "Cheater"?). I just really hope this ends well...
AntwortenLöschenOh, dear. Fabian had the cheater reputation, and you saw what happened to him and Zahra! There's some kind of algorithm in the game that calculates what the chance is of your spouse finding out that you cheated, and it's pretty likely. It's really hard to recover from, as I learned myself, and I'm not sure you can recover at all in a Wishacy (which I don't think you're doing).
AntwortenLöschenI'm so sorry to see Sunny go! But I was secretly wishing for Chrissi. I didn't know she was a Simself! My legacy founder was a sort of Simself.
Yes and because of what I saw at your legacy I am a little afraid.... There is still a chance of Stiles never finding out, so I will just stick to that and pray, I guess...
AntwortenLöschenYes, Chrissi was a Simself at the beginning. And Sunny started out as a Simself of a friend of mine... although I created her,too. So it was easier to let a friend go than letting myself go...still it was a hard decision. And I guess we will be seeing Sunny quite often in the future!