29 Oktober, 2011

And the Winner is......

The poll has officially closed a few hours ago and I am proud to announce that we have a winner!

This is Emma, your heir for the third generation of my Legacy! 

To remind you, these are her traits:
  • Good
  • Animal Lover
  • Loves the Outdoors 

Her Lifetime Wish is to have two of every animal species, including the small ones, like snakes, turtles and mice.

There will be one final chapter for Brianna, then I will probably do an animals-only-chapter for those of you who don't have the Pets Expansion and then Emma will take over! She is really happy about how the vote turned out.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Yay Emma! Good her hair looks normal now I'm back on my mac. It looked horrendous when I was using that other computer haha.

  2. Good that you can read the blog now without problems & thanks again for telling me :)

    And I'm glad your mac is working again! Now...what have we learned about drinks on the computer? ;)

    Yes, Emma. I really like her, she is terribly cute and becoming heir this early means we have a lot of time with her, but on the other hand...soooo many animals will come up. Sigh.

  3. Yay, Emma! I can't wait to see all of the animals... and how you manage them. (I'm a little evil that way, must be VJ's influece!)

    Poor Daisy. She just can't get a break!

  4. That's right, blame it on the Sims :P

  5. You're right... Bad VJ. Bad, bad VJ.

  6. Augh! I was the only one who voted for Daisy! You heartless people.

    I hope Daisy gets a break sometime before she moves out!
